What are the Features of Nervous Tissue and How Does It Control Body Movement?

The nervous tissue is a group of cells in the nervous system, which is the organ system that plays the role of transmitting signals, controlling the actions of different parts of the body, and also coordinating bodily functions such as digestion. The brain, the spinal cord, and nerves are all composed of nervous tissue. The nervous tissue is grouped into two main categories which help to provide nutrients to neurons and transmit nerve impulses. They are:

·       Nerve cells or neuron: The nerve cells or neurons are highly specialized in generating and conducting nerve impulses. The neurons or nerve cells consist of the dendrite, an axon, and a cell body.

·       The neuroglia or glial cells: The neuroglia or glial cells are the supporting cells in the nervous tissue. There are six types of glial cells; the first four located in the central nervous system are astrocytes, ependymal cells, microglial cells, and oligodendrocytes, while the two located in the peripheral nervous system are the Schwann cells and the satellite cells.

Features of the Nervous Tissue

1.     The nervous tissue is also one of the main groups of tissue that makes up the nervous system; the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

2.     The nervous tissue is composed of the neurons or nerve cells and the neuroglia or glial cells.

3.     The nerve cells cannot be replaced or divided and are long-lasting. The only exception is memory cells.

4.     The nerve cell or neuron consists of the dendrite, an axon, nerve endings, and cell body. At the axonal terminal, there is a presence of specialization called the synapsis.

5.     Neurons are responsible for releasing chemical neurotransmitters that stimulate other neurons as a result of stimuli.

What is Its Function?

The main function of the nervous tissue is to receive stimuli and send signals to the spinal cord and the brain. The nervous tissue carries a message from other neurons to the cell body, they remove debris, and produce electrical protectors for nerve cells.

The signals that are made and connected in the central nervous system from the brain, and sometimes the spinal cord approach a specified organ of interest to take action. In response to the nerve impulses, suitable action takes place. Actions like hair rising on the skin due to cold, bicep muscle contraction, etc. Nerve function occurs by channeling impulses obtained from the brain, tissues, organs, and the other nerves at which the nerves end. Based on the functionality the motor nerves, sensory nerves, autonomic nerves, and cranial nerves are responsible for body movement.

Motor nerves: They are responsible for sending impulses from the spinal cord and brain to all the muscles of the body. These signals enable humans to carry out basic activities like running, walking, sitting, etc. Damage to the motor neuron can cause muscle shrinkage.

Sensory nerves: They are responsible for gathering information such as pain pressure from the sensors present in skin, muscle, etc., to the spinal cord and brain. Damage to the sensory nerves can cause numbness rifling sensation and hypersensitivity.

To help protect nerve cells and nervous tissue, be sure to take care of your health with supplements and proper nutrition like from HMF Neuro Capsules Probiotic by Genestra.

What are the Features of Nervous Tissue and How Does It Control Body Movement?
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